Inner happiness. One meditation at a time.
Fleur Chambers is a multi-award-winning meditation teacher.
Best selling author. Philanthropist.
Creator of the free meditation app, The Happy Habit.
With over 3 million downloads in over 45 countries around the world, Fleur is helping people say ‘yes’ to their entire lives.
Even the parts that caught them by surprise.
Fleur is on a mission to change the way we understand happiness, health and wellbeing.
Using her experience of living with chronic pain, she is helping others see that happiness isn’t an imaginary place free of disappointment, regret, insecurity or any other uncomfortable emotion. In contrast, real happiness is the ability to live wholeheartedly alongside our challenges and to learn from them.
Her science-backed and spiritually informed framework for redefining happiness has helped hundreds of thousands of people to face their challenges with a clear head, relaxed body and wise heart.
Fleur believes that our challenges contain gifts, often in the form of greater clarity and life purpose.
Have you ever asked your challenges: what are you here to teach me?
I wonder what they’d have to say.
For Fleur, the silver lining of years of chronic pain was getting in touch with her professional purpose — to use meditation as a tool for social and environmental impact.
In 2022 The Happy Habit became a social enterprise. This means that 50% of profits are donated to grass roots projects tackling social and environmental problems around the world.
Fleur has created a purpose led business that addresses key social and environmental issues of our time. Through meditation, The Happy Habit community are learning to respond to their lives with courage, compassion and purpose. Through profit redistribution, some of the poorest communities in the world are receiving funds to do the same, rise up and create positive change within their communities.
The Happy Habit.
Good for you.
Great for humanity
Our mission
We help individuals and communities respond to life with courage, compassion and purpose.
Through meditation and education, we support individuals to respond to their challenges with a clear head, relaxed body and wise heart.
Through profit redistribution, we support disadvantaged communities to create locally appropriate solutions to their unique problems.
Provide 80,000 people with access to clean drinking water by 2025.
Awareness ~~ Compassion ~~ Perspective ~~ Gratitude ~~ Calm ~~ Connection ~~ Purpose ~~ Vitality ~~ Confidence ~~ Acceptance ~~
Learn about how The Happy Habit is providing clean drinking water to thousands of people around the world.