Is this experience right for you?
In order for the book, When Love Caught Me By Surprise to be interesting and engaging, ‘a really good read’ it needs to be filled with stories, experiences and reflections that are varied. As such, there will be an application process to ensure the diversity required within this anthology.
It’s worth noting however, that there is no hierarchy when it comes to stories (or to falling in love). All (love) stories are worthy of attention and deserve to be told. It’s less about finding the most heart wrenching or powerful stories, and more about curating a collection filled with texture, light and shade.
Adding to this, the power will come from your capacity to be authentic and to invite the reader in. There is also strength in gentleness, subtlety and nuance.
So if you are having thoughts like ‘my love story isn’t romantic or interesting enough’ and ‘I’d love to be part of this’, please get in touch.
All stories matter. Your story is your offering.
Whilst you don’t need to have your love story mapped out before you express your interest in this opportunity, you do need to feel passionate about your unique experience, aware of the seeds of your story and open to exploring it more deeply. You also need to be open to receiving feedback, to writing in a way that is of service and interest to the reader and to being part of a collection of stories.
You will be supported to explore your experience, identify ‘the real love story’ as you work through this process and attend the Zoom calls.
Alongside the guided meditations, journaling prompts and reflective guidance, you also have access to a story template, two rounds of professional editing and one informal editing session - so you are in safe hands.
Finally, before you express your interest, it’s important that you are available for the Zoom calls. (Obviously life happens, and there might be one or two you can’t attend), but you need to hold the intention to participate.
Because during the Zoom calls you will deepen your meditation practice, connect more deeply to love, move through any writers or creative blocks, flesh out your story and feel part of the group. We want the stories to feel part of a family, and the Zoom sessions will help to cultivate this.
Meditate, Write, Celebrate is a powerful combination of group coaching, one-on-one support, self-led personal development and becoming a published author. There is nothing like it out there. (There are plenty of group and individual coaching programs, and various anthology experiences, but I am yet to find an experiences that weaves it all together…)
This experience will cost $2,900 AUD.
What’s included in this price?
This will cover both the learning component (8 x 90 minute zooms calls, course webpage with resources, one-on-one session with Fleur) and the book creation element (chapter structure, two rounds of professional editing, book layout, printing, shipping, Amazon promotion etc).
So, if all this sounds good, please fill out the form below and we can do a follow up zoom call if necessary. I will respond to you within 7 days of receiving your form. Applications close Jan 2025 or before.